A side view of engaged students looking at the front of the classroom

The Power of Active Learning: How to Engage your Students in the Classroom

Active learning is a teaching approach that encourages students to engage with the material through hands-on activities, discussions, and collaborative projects. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of active learning and provide practical tips for incorporating it into your classroom.

I'm Professor Carter. I've served as an adjunct since 2021 and have thoroughly enjoyed my experience. The feedback my students have provided have not only helped me understand their needs, but to meet them where they are and create a learning exchange that is engaging and thought-provoking. While we'd all like to think we are THE experts when it comes to teaching in our disciplines, there are a few core concepts that may help us along the way. So, let me share the benefits of active learning and practical tips for the classroom.

Benefits of Active Learning:

Active learning is a student-centered teaching approach that encourages students to engage with the material through hands-on activities, discussions, and collaborative projects. Here are some benefits of incorporating active learning into your classroom:


  1. Increased engagement: Active learning can help students stay focused and interested in the material by providing opportunities for them to participate and interact with the content.
  2. Improved retention: When students are actively engaged in the learning process, they are more likely to remember the material long-term than if they were passive recipients of information.
  3. Enhanced critical thinking: Active learning often requires students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information, which can help them develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  4. Encourages creativity: Active learning provides opportunities for students to be creative and innovative in their approach to the material, which can enhance their learning experience.
  5. Promotes collaboration: Active learning often involves group work and discussion, which can help students develop their communication and teamwork skills.


Practical Tips for Incorporating Active Learning:

Now that we've explored the benefits of active learning, here are some practical tips for incorporating it into your classroom:


  1. Use group work: Divide students into groups and assign them a task or problem to solve together. This can encourage collaboration and help students learn from one another.
  2. Implement case studies: Provide students with a real-world scenario or case study and ask them to analyze and discuss it. This can help students apply the material to real-life situations and develop their critical thinking skills.
  3. Conduct class discussions: Encourage students to share their thoughts and ideas in class discussions. This can help students develop their communication skills and learn from one another.
  4. Use technology: Incorporate technology, such as interactive whiteboards, polling software, or online forums, to engage students and promote active learning.
  5. Introduce hands-on activities: Provide hands-on activities, such as experiments, simulations, or role-playing exercises, to encourage students to interact with the material in a tangible way.


By incorporating active learning into your teaching, you can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that inspires your students to be active participants in their own education.

Even if you get a little push back on some of the steps, emphasizing the importance of why these concepts are important to your classroom is key. You are the expert and your students' learning experience is your best practice. Once you've developed a foundational understanding between you and your classroom, students will see the value in your teaching methods and why you are passionate about what you do!

Now, go be the rockstar educator we all know you to be!

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