The rear view of a student looking at a chalkboard

The Importance of Building a Connection With Students

As professors, we have the power to shape and inspire the minds of our students. One of the most effective ways to motivate college students is by building a strong connection with them. Students who feel connected to their professors are more likely to be engaged, attentive, and invested in their learning.

So, how can you build a connection with your students? Here are a few tips:


  1. Learn their names and use them often.
  2. Show an interest in their lives outside of class.
  3. Be approachable and available.
  4. Use humor and share personal stories.
  5. Show empathy and understanding.


When students feel that you genuinely care about them and their success, they will be more likely to stay motivated and engaged throughout the semester.

When I am teaching, I like to share personal stories that are humorous to my students. I often talk about my pets, my family, and my personal experiences outside of the classroom.

One of my most memorable moments was allowing my students to read the release of my new crime fiction short story, Sloth, part of the 7 Deadly Sins series. Since I teach First-Year Composition, reading and writing is one of the primary components of my curriculum. Having students read a book and leave a review is a great way to help them learn how to analyze written work and provide critical feedback.

My students loved the experience and felt confident in their ability to share their feedback openly.

If you're looking for helpful tips on how to improve your process as an instructor. Follow me here on LinkedIn for more tips.

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